MusicFun Studio Policy 2025-2026
Thank you for allowing me the privilege of teaching your child (or you) their music lessons!
In order to make our time the most productive, I have established the following policies for our lessons during 2024-2025:
Lesson Times: I try to work with each of my students in order to give them the most convenient lesson times. Please be as flexible as possible when informing me of your available times.
Location and Schedule: Music lessons are offered at the MusicFun Studio. To give everyone as productive and uninterrupted of a lesson as possible, it is very important that you observe the following:
Private Music Lessons: Tuition for 30-minute private lessons is $25 multiplied by the number of weeks per months. As students advance, their lesson time will need to increase. Tuition for 45-minute and 60- minute private lessons are available.
You will be notified of any additional costs for materials such as books or special projects. Payment is due in advance, by the 1st of every month.
Late Payments: A $10 late fee is assessed for payments received after the 12th of the month.
Families should expect a yearly increase in tuition appropriate to cost of living increases and services offered.Tuition rate has not been raised since June 2018.
Tuition may be paid online from the Invoice eMail issued before each month or in the Student Portal.
Summer lessons are encouraged.
Missed Lessons:
Because specific times are set aside for specific students, a student who does not attend a lesson will simply miss the benefit of that lesson. Tuition covers far more than the time with your child, so you do not need to worry that missing a lesson means wasting money. When necessary I use a missed lesson time to prepare to plan for your child’s progress, locate materials, etc. See the "Where Does My Tuition Go?" brochure for more details. There are no refunds or discounts given unless I am unable to teach the expected number of lessons.
Missed Lesson Options:
Should 2 people arrive at once, I will teach the one whose lesson is normally at that time.
Students who are ill should not come to music lessons.
I reserve the right to send a student home if they arrive sick. If students are only mildly ill, please email me and we can do a FaceTime or Zoom lesson.
If you have a computer with a camera at your piano/instrument or a laptop that you can move close to the piano/instrument, please add my name to your contacts (or add my phone to your Facetime). This will allow me to call you and have a lesson with you over the internet, if need be. My Zoom ID Number is available for the asking (necessary to add me to your contacts).
Please keep in contact with me regarding your child’s progress and practice habits. TEXTS are my quickest method of communication at (956) 605-2594. I may be eMailed at (
Website Privacy:
At times, I will post schedules, make announcements, and write articles on the blog using student’s first names only (no pictures). Pictures and videos of my students may be posted periodically on my website with no names attached. Student’s music and recordings from studio competitions may be posted on the blog for the benefit of helping other teachers and students.
Recitals and Related Exams:
Many opportunities for recitals and other keyboard events occur every year. I keep my students informed of these opportunities through a periodic newsletter. I do want my students to participate in two studio Recitals including our Christmas and Spring Recital.
Participation in Music Theory Exams and additional Recitals is also encouraged as this is an excellent program to ensure a thorough music education and evaluation and for students who have put in so much hard work; time to prove what they’ve learned! .
Books and Materials: I teach appropriate graded curriculum for your instrument, Music Theory and exercises needed.
I will let you know what books are necessary for the student's progress, I usually order necessary books for you for a nominal fee. Other arrangements can be made. Most books can be purchased online.
Each student will also need to purchase a 1”, 3 ring binder with pockets and at least 4 dividers. This will be used to keep assignments, handouts and Home Practice Journals in order. It can also be used as a scrapbook for recitals, competitions, etc.
Practice Time and Other Requirements:
I would like to emphasize the quality versus quantity of time practiced. However, in order to get good quality practice, a minimum of 30 minutes a day, five days a week is necessary. As students advance and mature, this requirement will increase (Students taking 45-minute lessons should practice at least 45 minutes daily). I try to be very specific about practice techniques to the student and the parent, so that each knows what quality practice consists of. Students are required to report on their practice session in their practice journal. Parents should read their children’s assignments and comment and initial in the appropriate box. Please make comments on how you think your child’s practice is going at home.
Weekly assignments of theory and technique are of utmost importance. Theory should be completed at the first of the week and technique should be practiced every day to help enhance the learning process.
Practice on your instrument is required to make progress. Please try to have your piano tuned as needed.
A metronome is necessary for all students. Fingernails must be kept short at all times. This enables hands to use good posture.
Parents should plan to attend their child’s lesson at least once every few months (more if necessary). This helps keep you in touch with your child’s progress, accomplishments, and difficulties.
Dismissals and Termination:
If for any reason you must stop lessons, 1 month’s notice is needed.
Regrettably, I will have to dismiss a student if any of these circumstances occur:
*Failure to pay tuition and on time *Persistent absences
*Uncooperative attitude *Failure to follow practice as instructed
*Lack of progress due to insufficient practice or unfulfilled requirements
Thank you for abiding by these policies to help your child’s music lessons be the most productive and efficient! Thank you also for the privilege of allowing me to teach you! I look forward to a great year.
Jim Morrow